Thursday, June 11, 2009

9 Let Us Share the Portion of 55 Millions Target Together...ELKEN BOLEH...Truly One ELKEN...One Malaysia..!!!

8 ELKEN's Bio-Pure KEN Series for Reverse Osmosis Water Purification System

Elken's Bio Pure Ken Series - Water Purification System

The Bio Pure Ken Series system, the fifth generation of its kind, is said to use cutting edge technology to remove virtually all types of contaminants and particles such as bacteria and viruses as small as 0.0001 micron — 500,000 times tinier than the diameter of a strand of hair.This water purification system is said to offer quality, safety and reliability as it combines Reverse Osmosis, Activated Carbon filter and Bio Ceramic technologies into one system that is backed by Elken's own Research and Development team and GMP manufacturing factory, plus a comprehensive service and support network to help them remain efficent.The Bio Pure water purification system is said to be among 34 prestigious Reverse Osmosis systems worldwide that met the rigorous safety and structural integrity requirements set by industry Standard WQA S-300.It conforms to the Standards and Industrial Research Institute of Malaysia safety standard for household appliances.It has also earned the International Electrotechnical Commission certification, which set the global standard of quality for all electrical, electronic and related technologies, that are indeed modern.It is the only Reverse Osmosis system in Asia to be awarded the WQA Gold Seal and one of three recipients worldwide.It also bagged a medal at the 36th International Geneva Exhibition and the Reader's Digest Gold Trusted Brand award in 2008 and 2009.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

7 Our Beloved parent with Mr. Michael R. Long

6 Thanks for sharing with us...Mr. Michael R. Long

Zaidy, Rohana, SM Cikgu Sa & CCM Chu Hau Ling with Mr. Michael R. Long in Kota Bharu.

We hope to boom Kelantan Market with this great series of ELKEN Bio-Pure Water Purification...

5 Mr. Michael R Long at Kota Bharu, Kelantan..

Mr. Michael R. Long - The Water Quality Association (WQA) Certified Water Specialist Level VI (the highest level), Certified Nutritional Consultant member of the AWWA, published author and international lecturer.He is also a member of the WQA's International Standards and Regulations Task Force, which monitors worldwide issues on the legislation, standards and regulations regarding water and is currently a consultant for Elken Bio Pure.

Rohana ( Me ) & Abang Zaidy with Mr. Michael R. Long in Kota Bharu.

Abang Zaidy & Abang Eddie with Mr. Michael R. Long in Kota Bharu.

Let Us Share …What Water Specialist said about our drinking water

It was a lucky day for us in Kelantan when Mr. Michael R. Long , The Certified Water Specialist came to give a talk on the need of having a proper water filteration system because some of the risks inherent in our drinking water had not been properly filtered.The MLM Company…Elken had organised The Talk at Ridel Hotel, Kota Bharu which also included a product demonstration.Mr. Michael R. Long is a Water Quality Association (WQA) Certified Water Specialist Level VI (the highest level), Certified Nutritional Consultant member of the AWWA, published author and international lecturer.He is also a member of the WQA's International Standards and Regulations Task Force, which monitors worldwide issues on the legislation, standards and regulations regarding water and is currently a consultant for Elken Bio Pure.Mr. Michael attracted our attention on why do we need to drink water…?? …Since water makes up to 70 per cent of our total body weight…we have to drink water regularly to balance water loss in the form of sweat and urine…How if our body do not have sufficient water…?? ..Our body may get dehydrated…and this may cause other side effects such as headaches and also kidney stones … or more critical effect such as a kidney failure …We were advised to take around eight glasses of plain water per day to help our body to remove its wastes from the body….however unfiltered tap water normally may contain small traces of chemical, bacteria and other micro-organisms…The water contaminants whereas sometimes cannot be seen by our naked eyes , can be categorised as below :Biological content such as bacteria, viruses, protozoa parasites, etc.

Inorganic chemical such as heavy metals, arsenic, asbestos, lead..Organic chemical such as pesticides and herbicides..Disinfection by-products such as trihalomethanes..Traces of chemicals and pharmaceutical drugs..Just imagine…what happen to our kidneys..if we take around 8 glasses of normal drinking water which not be treated properly..?? Where all that such things gone..?? …filtered by our kidneys…and these may be a burden to our kidneys which also force our body system to work extra hard to process them…lastly may cause to kidney diseases.Sometimes, even if the water looks crystal clear, it may still contain contaminants such as pharmaceutical drugs, viruses, metal ions and radioactive substances.Chlorine which is added at the water treatment plants may help to eradicate micro-organisms and bacteria but may not remove other types of contaminants.Mr. Michael explained that there were many types of water treatment technologies in the market such as activated carbon, ultraviolet, distillation, nano-purification but the various technologies may not be able to remove all types of contaminants.He suggested that the reverse osmosis technology would be the ideal method to remove the contaminants, so that one can enjoy pure drinking water.Most importantly, because of the recent threat of traces of pharmaceutical drugs in drinking water, this was the ideal way to have clean drinking water.As refered to Mr Michael R. Long talk of Reverse Osmosis…

Reverse Osmosis
What actually Reverse Osmosis (RO) is …and why this process is the best way compare to other treatment systems?In RO, water is forced through a semi-permeable membrane, leaving unwanted pollutants and chemicals behind. Due to the incredibly tiny size of the membrane pores, plus other complex processes, what comes through the membrane is actually pure water.Reverse Osmosis is said to produce the purest water, free from any contaminants or compounds.It is said to have virtually nothing inside the water molecules that have undergone the Reverse Osmosis process except for hydrogen and oxygen molecules (H20).This is the reason why the water is truly pure.Michael mentioned that conventional purifiers would not be able to able to differentiate the different types of good minerals such as calcium or magnesium compared to contaminants, namely attributes that contain nitrates, arsenic, lead, cadmium and so on.
Vitamins and minerals required for the human body would best be derived from supplements and food, instead of water.
In fact, Singapore, faced with diminishing freshwater sources, has come up with the revolutionary NEWater system which uses recycled water from an unlikely resource — used, dirty, down-the-toilet-bowl, sewage water.
Using Reverse Osmosis technology, Singapore's scientists have perfected the process of transforming such sewage water into new, clean, safe drinking water.Another striking example is in the United States.Military operations in the Middle East has Reverse Osmosis Water Purification Units to supply daily water needs to the US Army and Marine Corps.So it seems that the Reverse Osmosis water purification concept has been globally accepted as a good technology for purifying our drinking water.

Elken's Bio Pure Ken Series - Water Purification System
The Bio Pure Ken Series system, the fifth generation of its kind, is said to use cutting edge technology to remove virtually all types of contaminants and particles such as bacteria and viruses as small as 0.0001 micron — 500,000 times tinier than the diameter of a strand of hair.This water purification system is said to offer quality, safety and reliability as it combines Reverse Osmosis, Activated Carbon filter and Bio Ceramic technologies into one system that is backed by Elken's own Research and Development team and GMP manufacturing factory, plus a comprehensive service and support network to help them remain efficent.The Bio Pure water purification system is said to be among 34 prestigious Reverse Osmosis systems worldwide that met the rigorous safety and structural integrity requirements set by industry Standard WQA S-300.It conforms to the Standards and Industrial Research Institute of Malaysia safety standard for household appliances.It has also earned the International Electrotechnical Commission certification, which set the global standard of quality for all electrical, electronic and related technologies, that are indeed modern.It is the only Reverse Osmosis system in Asia to be awarded the WQA Gold Seal and one of three recipients worldwide.It also bagged a medal at the 36th International Geneva Exhibition and the Reader's Digest Gold Trusted Brand award in 2008 and 2009.For more Information about Reverse Osmosis system and The Bio Pure Ken Series water purification system can be surf in Elken Website or … Thanks.

Edited by :

Mohamad Zaidy Hj. Mohamed /

Siti Rohana Abdullah

Monday, June 8, 2009

4 Waiting List to the Glorious Stage of The winners Nite...Next to be ours...!!

3 Journey to the Winners Nite

2 Elken Winners Nite 2009

Congratulation...!!! Elken Winners Nite just leaving us with a great and warmth celebration for all achievers in Elken family...How do you feel..??? Just looking with big white eyes of their achievement...??? Don't you have a feeling to feel what they feel on their parade to the stage of success...??? So...what should you do...??? Just let its blow by the wind..??? ...or just have a nice dream before you awake..??? us move now...go where the crowd are...go where the money are...go where ever you are...then you will go with them...along the road of the top of excellent...then you can congratulate yourself...and you'll find that Elken show you the solutions.....!!!

A Great Congratulation for our Upline CCM Koick Bee Yan and her beloved husband CCM Ong because of their excellent Achievement...

Siti Rohana Abdullah/
Mohamad Zaidy Hj. Mohamed

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7 June 2009